Prakash MaharjanGradient Views in SwiftUIEver since announce of SwiftUI by Apple, its has been very exciting for iOS developers all around the world to try out brand new language…May 16, 2021May 16, 2021
Prakash MaharjanTesting Push Notification on iOS simulator (Swift)We can test push notification on simulator from Xcode 11.4 and laterAug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
Prakash MaharjanCreate your GitHub profile with Readme.mdGithub is one of the place to look around for developers profile. Having good github profile gives glace look for visiter to know you.Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
Prakash MaharjanCreating Apple developer account experience.As an iOS developer, I always wanted to have my own apple developer account under my name and some apps released with it. While working on…Aug 2, 20191Aug 2, 20191
Prakash MaharjanWireless Debugging in Xcode.Few months back I used to face issue of not being able to install and test my app on my iphone due to Lightning cable not recognizing issue…Oct 30, 2017Oct 30, 2017
Prakash MaharjanPopular and useful websites to learn iOS/Swift/Objective C developmentThere are thousands of websites which writes tutorials about the iOS development. Some are paid and some are free. Among them here are some…Aug 19, 2017Aug 19, 2017
Prakash MaharjanPlay custom push notification sound iOSPush notification is one of useful feature that are now common in many apps. It helps the user to notify about the things when user are not…Aug 19, 20177Aug 19, 20177